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Community Deathcare
Support, Guidance, Education and Advocacy
Thoughts, musings, and ruminations on Dying, Death and Disposition
Originally Published in the Summer 2022 Issue of the Green Gazette Magazine By Nicola Finch If you care about the health of the planet, what happens to your body once you are dead matters. It’s called disposition. Our disposition options in British Columbia are limited. We currently have only...June 21, 2020Written by Nicola Finch and originally published in the Summer 2020 issue of The Green Gazette. In many respects, our new reality feels like a return to an old way of being with a slower, gentler focus on family and community and on the world under our feet—the natural, physical world. We have...November 21, 2019 · Deathcaringby Nicola Finch I came to an understanding when I was quite young, that grief and loss were part of life. My mother grieved the death of her father. I knew into the depth of my being that her grief was a big part of who she was and that she had a magnificent capacity for love. My mom's dad;...
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